The Pryor Mountain Wild Horses in Montana and Wyoming are the descendants of Spanish horses (remnants of the conquest of Cortez) brought to the area by different Native American tribes.
Touring the Pryor Mountains and viewing the large herd of Wild Mustangs in truly an incredible experience. The wild horses in the Pryor Mountains can be seen all over the range, but seem to prefer the eastern side of the Pryor canyon.
Locals realized that there was something special about the Pryor Mountain Wild Horses due to their interesting characteristics. It wasn’t long until it was realized that the wild horses looked like Spanish horses. Researchers confirmed that the Pryor Mountain Wild Horses are descended from Spanish horses based on history, genetics, and phenotype.
The history of the Pryor Mountain Wild Horses is not well known. There are accounts of the wild horses being present in the late 1800’s, and many people believe that there were wild horses in the Pryor Mountains in the early to mid-1700’s. At the core, we believe the herd is descended from Spanish horses brought to the area by different Native American tribes, especially the Crow Indians who are known as horse masters.
See Also: The Big Ice Cave in the Pryor Mountains
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